How are we doing this?

We began our work in January 2016 through the opening of the Southall Winter Night Shelter, providing a rolling night shelter for local rough sleepers who have been referred by the Ealing Outreach Team and who are willing to engage in an active way with the support services we offer through our partner agencies.

We are extremely grateful to the five Southall churches which are providing the venues for the shelter as well as many of the volunteers; to the Sikh community for its active involvement including providing many of the meals; and to St Mungos Broadway, RISE, Refugee Action and our other partners for their support and the services they offer to our guests; and to our funders, including Ealing Council through Ward Forum grants.

We have a paid Co-ordinator and also have paid Night Workers on duty at the Shelter every night. Nonetheless we could not run the Shelter without the commitment, energy and dedication of the dozens of volunteers who give freely of their time and who play a vital part in supporting our guests.